The mere grant of freedom is insufficient to generate a sense of liberation within us.
Our brain processes our thoughts, emotions, body sensations, and behaviors in different directions, but unfortunately, thoughts alone do not have direct power to control our lower-level actions. Therefore, the notion of being free must be reinforced by emotional states to have a strong and direct effect. People who strongly believe in the idea of freedom and are even perceived as accessible from the outside may still struggle with feelings of tightness and restriction. This can be a sign of disharmony in the soul about freedom.
Freedom requires effort, just like happiness and satisfaction. It is not a simple, passive feeling that can be experienced directly. We can only feel it if we work towards our goals, take the necessary steps, and persevere through obstacles. It takes hard work and dedication to achieve true freedom.
As I write these paragraphs, I think some people may feel discouraged when making consistent efforts. However, there is no need to worry. Stability and order can be unsettling for all of us, to some extent, due to the inherent anarchy within us. This anarchy is a part of our primitive soul that stems from the evolutionary process of human beings. Therefore, the conflict between stability and rebellion that most of us experience is a fundamental state of mind in human evolution and development. While our human side and primitive nature continue to clash on this issue, those who wish to experience freedom must hold onto active effort and defend this area to the extent that it aligns with their needs and values.
The idea of freedom can inspire us to pursue various interests and hobbies. However, this can also lead to feeling restricted or overwhelmed. Despite this, such a lifestyle can be fulfilling and enjoyable - full of hard work and freedom. However, some people feel frustrated that they cannot fully realize their potential due to a lack of willpower. Natural interests are wealthy, but they need to be turned into voluntary attention to experience the sense of freedom that comes with self-control and autonomy. Otherwise, we risk leading lives that are active but unsatisfying. It's up to individuals to decide which areas they will allow themselves to indulge in and which areas they will exercise self-control in. This is a journey of self-realization, and keeping the compass pointed in the right direction is crucial.
Where you want to build will, uninterrupted power is the only enemy of instability. Consistent efforts are needed to generate a perception of small or big continuity. This helps maintain a stable direction and avoid a scattered state of mind. The mind and soul should be focused on a singular goal with all their strength. The reason why personal labor and effort seem like torture sometimes is because it requires coordination. The information that needs to be gradually familiarized with is this:
When behavior lacks emotional discipline, it tends to become disorganized and debilitating.
Individuals with high standards and a perfectionist personality may feel restricted and not genuinely free despite putting in more effort than expected. It is essential for these individuals also to feel confident in themselves, as this plays a significant role in experiencing a sense of freedom. They can achieve this feeling when they are satisfied that they have put in enough effort to feel secure and believe that they deserve to take a break.
People who wait until the last moment to show their willpower and then push through with it have repeatedly proven they can endure any challenge. Although they may prefer to take extended breaks and rest, they are willing to face moments of intense exertion no matter how difficult they may be. However, it is essential to sustainably use the available strength as a crucial stepping stone towards achieving progress.
Achieving great things, status, or acquiring assets is not a prerequisite to experiencing psychological freedom. In our daily lives, there are many small things we can do that bring us happiness, comfort, and pleasure. Ignoring these small pleasures is like living a hollow life. Simple acts like closing our fingers allow us to grasp many pleasures. Our daily efforts, no matter how small, are evidence of our power over ourselves and the positive results we can achieve.
Psychologically, freedom is neither a directly granted right nor an ordinary situation. Freedom is a reward. Freedom is to live what the sun is to the landscape.
Güliz Öncel
About the inspiring works of Jules Payot.